Krisiun - The Great Execution

Genre: Death Metal
Ano: 2011
País: Brasil
1. The Will to Potency 06:23
2. Blood of Lions 05:06
3. The Great Execution 05:18
4. Descending Abomination 05:45
5. The Extremist 05:57
6. The Sword of Orion 07:59
7. Violentia Gladiatore 05:37
8. Rise and Confront 05:13
9. Extinção em Massa 06:01
10. Shadows of Betrayal 08:38
Ano: 2011
País: Brasil
1. The Will to Potency 06:23
2. Blood of Lions 05:06
3. The Great Execution 05:18
4. Descending Abomination 05:45
5. The Extremist 05:57
6. The Sword of Orion 07:59
7. Violentia Gladiatore 05:37
8. Rise and Confront 05:13
9. Extinção em Massa 06:01
10. Shadows of Betrayal 08:38
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